Sunday, March 23, 2014

weekend in guangzhou

For the first time in my life I traveled more than five minutes to get to a church meeting this weekend. We traveled to Guangzhou to attend a district conference and a few of us decided to go a day early and make a weekend out of it! 

We always take the sky train to Guangzhou. It's AWESOME. 

so grateful to have good friends with me :)

We then took the metro to our hostel. This is where I came to the conclusion that there are TOO MANY people in China.

After walking around in every direction for what seemed like years and asking a million clueless people where to find the "wedding dress street" we finally found it! I think... We're still not exactly sure where we were. We never are. 

So yes, we went shopping for wedding dresses for one of my roommates. {shhh, she's not technically engaged yet} She didn't find one but we had a lot of fun looking! 

After a loooong day on our feet we got some street food and headed back to the hostel. On the way we stumbled upon a park decked out in lights. I quickly forgot all about how tired I was and took a stroll, soaking up every second. Nights like this remind me why I'm here. I just wish my camera could capture how beautiful it was. Because it was. 

Sunday came and we made our way to District Conference. A room full of white people. A room full of families. A room full of members. It felt like home. 

The Gospel may not be in China quite yet, but the Spirit is. And I'm so glad. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


First vacation: Chinese Hawaii {Sanya}

day one:
We stood in the rain at the bus stop with all our stuff, took that bus to the bus station where we got on a sleeper bus. Ohhh the sleeper bus! We thought it would be like Hogwarts... it's not. So I spent twelve hours "sleeping" on a two foot wide leather bed on the top bunk of the middle column with drop offs on each side. As if we weren't already packed enough, they then laid out mats for people to sleep in the isles! So picture us innocent white girls sleeping on a bus literally piled with angry Asians. 

This was my face the entire time. 

When we FINALLY got off the sleeper bus we then took another bus to another bus that drove extremely slowly to our next destination- SANYA! 

day two:
We hit the beach. And it was lovely :) 

{beer bottle not mine}

The people watching was p-r-i-m-e but some people just shouldn't wear bikinis

This kid is literally my hero

That night we were walking along the beach and could hear a band playing American music. As we got closer I saw a dance floor in front of the band but nobody was dancing so... you can probably guess what happened next. Before you know it we were swarmed with middle-aged, drunk Asian men who LOVED dancing with us and wouldn't let us leave. It was hilarious but we got out of there as soon as things got  little weird, which they definitely did. 

day three:
Somehow I talked myself in to getting a fish pedicure! Never doing that again!! I literally paid someone to put my feet in a nasty fish tank where a million other feet have been and get the dead skin sucked off my feet. I didn't last very long but it was a good laugh and now I can say that I've done it. I spent the rest of the day traumatized. 

We discovered a restaurant right by our hostel that not only served American food, but DANG GOOD American food! It was truly a gift from Heaven. There were also tons of fruit stands selling huge manogs- oh how I love those mangos! One stand would blend up fresh fruit and turn it into an ice cream/slushy concoction that was to die for. I miss it already :( 

We did some bartering and hung out with our hostel owner (who was AWESOME by the way) and played cards as I ate my delicious mango :)

day four:
We said a sad goodbye to Sanya after a few final hours at the beach and took a bus to the train station. As we always do at train and bus stations, we got our KFC ice cream and waited to board. The train was 14 hours through the night and might have been even more miserable than the sleeper bus. However, we did make a few friends and even taught one guy, Simon, some english. After what seemed like the longest night of my life we finally got off the train and took the metro to another train station! Luckily this train was only 45 minutes and it was very nice. But I'm not done yet, we then got off that train to get on a bus. Took that bus to the fruit market where we had to get off and transfer to yet another bus before we finally made it home. 

In case you lost count that's seven buses, one metro, and two trains just to get to and from Sanya. It was worth it though!

{And my parents will appreciate this} 
On Saturday before we left we had to go to this stupid Bond banquet thing and I swear on my life I had every intention of trying the shrimp they served! It was a gross shrimp too that had eye balls and legs still attached. I pulled off the legs and the shell and prepared myself to take a bite. Unfortunately, my chopstick skills aren't quite up to par yet and as I was dipping the shrimp into the sauce I dropped it! So I took that as a sign that I wasn't supposed to eat it. But I was going to and that's all that matters! Here's proof: 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

china has H&M {holla}

On Saturday night we went to Nanlong which is another part of the city of Zhonghsan about forty minutes away from our apartment. Nanlong is sooo different than our neighborhood. It's how I imagined China before I came- a little more dirty but people everywhere and a lot going on all the time! Nanlong is famous for its street barbecue so of course we tried a few things. I have yet to shake my fear of sea food and mystery meats so I stuck to noodles and veggies... It was very good! 

We also went to KFC and I went a little wild on ice cream cones... I got some pictures with more random Chinese people that were fascinated by our white skin and blonde hair. They were so excited to get a picture with me that I thought it was funny that she didn't even smile for the picture... what the heck?!

After eating plenty of food we went to the park. I'm pretty sure half of China was there! HOLY KANSAS. The entire community was out enjoying the evening- tiny babies, teenagers, even old people all just hanging out at the park on a Saturday night. It was so great! They had basketball, bumper cars, roller blading, and ping pong tournaments going on. Some American guys we were with challenged some Chinese men in ping pong and we attracted quite a crowd! They all wanted to see the white kids attempt to play.  Of course, we made some friends while we were there...

(They weren't actually taller than me- they were on roller blades)

There was A LOT of dancing going on and I was sooo down for that! Noor and I had a great time getting in the way :)

The girls and I have decided to start doing FHE on Monday nights so we can stay "spiritually connected" or maybe it's just an excuse to go out and spend some money... Either way our first activity was to go to the mall! I have never loved a mall so much in my entire life. It was like opening the doors to America. I almost cried. This mall was BEAUTIFUL and HUGE and CLEAN! They even had H&M... ahhh :) 

When we got hungry we quickly agreed to try out Burger King! I ordered one ice cream cone... then another... and then another... The third time the cashier just started laughing at me. I have no regrets :)

God bless American malls in China.