Wednesday, February 26, 2014

i like china! my hair does not.

Today we had Chinese painting class after school. This was my finished product! Took me twenty years, two months, and ten days to get this talented. 

It's a cactus, by the way. 

Every morning I sincerely pray for strength to make it through my shower. It's rough guys... Our shower smells SO BAD ALL THE TIME!!!! Plumbing here is just no bueno. I just have to close my eyes and think about other things. Sometimes I play "would you rather" with myself. My most recent debate: Would you rather wash your body with a bar of soap used by a stranger or share a toothbrush with your dad? I still can't decide. 

So basically I take two minute showers and then stay out of the bathroom as much as possible the rest of the day. Which is good because looking in the mirror is a real shot to the confidence. MY HAIR IS UNCONTROLLABLE. It's frizzy times ten and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought the "Hello Hydration" version of my shampoo and conditioner. Use your brain, Linny!

Let me tell you about Washi Washi. Because it's quite possibly the best thing that's every happened to me. There is a salon down the street from our apartment that is full of stylish (and possibly gay) Asians and one Asian that we call the he-she because we literally don't know if it's a guy or a girl. Anyway, they will wash your hair, give you a twenty minute scalp massage, then massage your back neck and arms, and then style your hair. OH and it's like less than 5 bucks. Here's a picture: 

On Saturday we went on a little adventure to Walking Street! I'm not quite sure how to describe Walking Street... It's like a giant room with a bazillion little huts that sell random Chinese crap. It's a great place for bartering and I bought a watch that has a mustache on it and some perfume that really doesn't smell that good- but it was cheap! When we first got to Walking Street I was a little excited and they were playing American music so naturally I started dancing a bit... the owner of one of the shops laughed and mimicked me. So I made him dance with me! 

It was so fun being in downtown Zhongshan! Tons of people staring at us, tall buildings, pretty lights, and far too many smells. Always an adventure :) 

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