Friday, February 28, 2014

terrible {but adorable} two's

I guess it's time to actually post something about the whole reason I'm here- school! I am working as an English teacher Monday through Friday at the Shiqi Preschool and Kindergarten. I've been assigned to teach two "baby classes" which is the two year olds and two Junior classes consisting of three and four year olds. MY OH MY! We teach twenty-five minute rotations in each class so that's four rotations a day for me. Turns out, twenty-five minutes is a LOOOONG time to entertain two year olds and get them to speak english. But they're Asians so naturally most of them speak more english than I did when I was two. These kids are s m a r t! 

Here's some pictures of our school!

I can't lie. Teaching is hard. But I'm learning. Just as much as they are. I'm learning not to give Jonas a ball because he'll chuck it across the room. I'm learning that if Coco doesn't sit right next to me I won't have her attention for more than a second the entire lesson (I swear she's deaf). I'm learning that Dora likes to be first and when she's not she pouts. I'm learning that Jayden can kick. Hard. But he'll smother me with hugs two seconds later. I'm learning that Shan is a girl and NOT a boy. (That was a biiiiig oops!) I'm learning that Dodo's parents think that Dodo is a respectable American name for their child.... I still laugh every time I say it. 

Despite how hard and stressful teaching can be, I can't help but smile when I hear "IT'S TEACHA LINSEE!!" as I walk into class. And my heart melts when they ask me to bend down so they can kiss my cheek. These kids are cute! Cute. Cute. Cute. See for yourself :)

This is Dodo! The first week he literally cried non-stop. He still cries but has totally warmed up to me and smiles quite a bit! I haven't been able to get him to say a word in english though. One day! 

I looooooove Lucy! (little girls here have the most unfortunate haircuts) 

Nelson. We have a love/hate relationship. 

I feel blessed to have such cute kids to test my patience :)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely cute kids. And I love your funny comments about their names and your relationships with them.
